ADHD World Federation - Modernising the concept of ADHD
Scientific Programme Committee

Scientific Programme Committee (SPC)

Creation of the programme for the World Congress of ADHD

A Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) is nominated by the board of the World Federation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (WFADHD) for each congress comprised of research and clinical thought leaders in the area of ADHD and representatives of the affiliated associations. The WF ADHD Board also appoints four chairs for the congress of the SPC. At least one of the chairs must be a board member. When creating the SPC, attention is paid to a balanced distribution by sex and ethnicity. The Chairs and the members of the SPC serve for two years. The appointed SPC chairs for the 10th World Congress on ADHD are Prof. Dr. Manfred Gerlach, Prof. Dr. Luis A. Rohde, Prof. Maggie Silbey and Prof. Anita Thapar.

The SPC is invited to make topic suggestions, as well as innovative format presentations for the scientific programme. Each suggestion should include the title, the names of proposed speakers and a brief description of the proposed content.

The chairs of the SPC develop a draft programme and submits it for final review and approval by the Board of the WFADHD. Through this process, WFADHD seeks to create a current and balanced scientific programme, that allows congress participants not only to increase their professional knowledge and clinical skills, but to offer real perspectives on the current status and future of ADHD research.


Manfred Gerlach
Prof. Dr. Manfred Gerlach
Chair SPC
University of Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
Luis A. Rohde
Prof. Dr. Luis A. Rohde
Chair SPC
Federal University of Rio Grande du Sul Brazil
Porto Allegre, Brazil
Maggie Sibley
Maggie Sibley, PhD
Chair SPC
University of Washington 
Seattle, USA
Professor Anita Thapar
Prof. Anita Thapar 
Chair SPC
Cardiff University
Cardiff, UK

Scientific Programme Committee Members

L. Adler, USA
H. F. Aljoudi, Saudi Arabia
D. Almagor, Canada
K. Antshel, USA
P. Asherson, UK
T. Banaschewski, Germany
M. Bellgrove, Australia
J. Boavida, Portugal
S. Bölte, Sweden
J. Buitelaar, The Netherlands
F. X. Castellanos, USA
A. Childress, USA
D. Coghill, Australia
S. Cortese, UK
J. Crosbie, Canada
M. Döpfner, Germany
A. E. Doyle, USA
D. Fair, USA
S. Faraone, USA
B. Franke, The Netherlands
S. Shur-Fen Gau, Taiwan, Taiwan
M. Gerlach, Germany
M. Gignac, Canada
D. Goodman, USA

P. Hoekstra, The Netherlands
X. Ke, China
B. Kim, Republic of Korea
S. Kollins, USA 
S. Kooij, The Netherlands 
K.-P. Lesch, Germany 
I. Manor, Israel 
G. Mattingly, USA 
P. Mattos, Brazil 
C. Middeldorp, The Netherlands
A. Miranda, Spain 
T. Miyajima, Japan 
B. Molina, USA 
Z. Morillo de Nieto, Dominican Republic 
A. Mykletun, Norway
J. Newcorn, USA 
J. Nigg, USA 
A. Philipsen, Germany 
G. Polanczyk, Brazil 
D. Quinn, Canada 
J. A. Ramos-Quiroga, Spain 
A. Reif, Germany 
P. Riederer, Germany
L. Rohde, Brazil

M. Romanos, Germany
K. Rubia, UK
J. Rucklidge, New Zealand
R. Schachar, Canada
P. Shaw, USA M. Sibley, USA
M. Sibley, USA
T. Silk, Australia 
D. Silva, Australia
M. Solanto, USA
E. Sonuga-Barke, UK
C. Soutullo, Spain
C. B. Surman, USA
M. Stein, USA
J. Swanson, USA
J. Thome, Germany
O. Tucha, Germany
A. Venter, South Africa
S. Walitza, Switzerland
L.-J. Wang, China
J. Waxmonsky, USA
M. Weiss, Canada
T. Wilens, USA
L. Yang, China
Y. Zheng, China