ADHD World Federation - Modernising the concept of ADHD
Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)


For each new World Congress, the World Federation of ADHD calls in a Local Organizing Committee (LOC), which assists in the planning and implementation of the event. The LOC consists of at least the Congress president and two members of the country where the congress takes place.

The LOC is responsible for the local coordination of the Congress and works closely together with the Scientific Programme Committee, including the following tasks: 

  • Suggestions for ADHD topics in general, but also with local relevance
  • Assistance in presswork and relations
  • Support in the organization of social and scientific events
  • Other related tasks such as the organisation of city tours
  • Support in the organization of the Patients´ Day 
Prague City

LOC Members 2025

Michal Goeth

Michal Goetz
Chair of the LOC


Pavel Mohr

Pavel Mohr
Chair of the LOC


Jan Čermák
Chair of the LOC


Radek Ptáček

Radek Ptáček
† 2 September 2024


Pavel Theiner

Pavel Theiner
Chair of the LOC


David Havelka

David Havelka
Chair of the LOC


Hana Papežová

Hana Papežová
Chair of the LOC


Ladislava Pejzlová

Ladislava Pejzlová
Chair of the LOC
